Let fresh air in
Many common household appliances, habits, materials, and products can contribute to indoor air pollution. They can be odourless, colourless, and incredibly hard to detect, made only more difficult by the fact that much of the damage they create only becomes evident over the long term. Therefore, effective ventilation and air circulation are highly important for good indoor air quality and for the health of the occupants.
On the top floor, it’s particularly easy to use cross ventilation efficiently, with windows placed on opposite sides of the room. Alternatively, having a combination of low and high level openings will allow a stack effect to occur.
The most efficient way to ensure good indoor air quality is to use active systems with smart sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels, and instruct windows to open and close automatically.

Get the colours right
The bathroom is the space where getting the right colour becomes a crucial thing, since here precision and the right nuance are important. In daylight, the colours of objects around us look natural and the human eye can distinguish slight shades of colour.
It can easily be seen when the weather changes, colours are simply more chromatic and clearer on sunny days. Having access to good natural light in bathrooms is of high value to most of home owners.