Looking outside changes the inside
When the interior is open to the sky and surrounding landscape, the perception of the room is altered entirely – suddenly becoming a doorway to the outside, a place with plenty of daylight, space and a connection to nature.
A wide array of studies underline the effects of maintaining a visual link to the outdoors*. A view with layers of sky, city or landscape, and ground could counteract tiring monotony and help relieve the feeling of being closed in.
Home buyers see the value and choose houses designed with better outdoor communication.
*Source:Boyce, Hunter, and Howlett (2003) - The Benefits of Daylight through Windows





The benefits are also in the unseen - let your customer know!
Daylight is one of the greatest tools a home builder has when it comes to helping improve the lives of their customers, their families, their health, and the future of their children. Who are your customers and what is important to them?
There are studies that show higher daylight levels can help with pain relief and recovery by up to 21%.* This can be a huge improvement to the well-being of many home owners but it is particularly relevant for an ageing population.
*Source: Walch, Rabin, Day, Williams, Choi, and Kang (2005) - The effect of sunlight on postoperative analgesic medication usage.
Free up space whilst increasing privacy, daylight and natural ventilation
In many cases, façade windows will not provide enough daylight to the interior spaces. Sometimes this is because of the neighbouring buildings, having obscure glazing, or simply because the room is a few meters deep and the daylight cannot reach so far.
Roof windows are an excellent source of natural light. They can let in more than two times as much light as vertical façade windows of the same size, and three times more than vertical dormer windows. Roof windows distribute light evenly, saving energy and improving your visual comfort levels.